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God answered my prayers with what to do next and blessed me with the pregnancy of a little boy. I became a mom and was okay with taking it easy for a while, just enjoying motherhood, but after staying home for 4 months, getting lonely, and missing my clients and the gym, I knew it was time to get back into it. I started out slower this time with the diet and exercise, but even though results took longer I never quit because I could feel my self-confidence coming back with every workout.

After a series of serious events and illnesses in my family, I wanted to go for my dreams, I decided to pull myself out of my slump again and try competing in the NPC Bikini category. I trained hard, dieted strictly, and stayed secluded from many people for 4 years. I competed in several shows, and finally at my last show I placed in the top 3 in 2 groups, so the hard work had finally paid off which felt great. But even after that show, I still felt lost, I was not sure where I wanted to go from there and I was worried I would gain back a bunch of weight again from not competing.
Competing taught me a lot, but it can be really challenging on you mentally as well, and cause even more stressors, I would get anxiety if I missed a training or a cardio session. I do love competing, the dedication it takes, I love the thought of you against you, and while I did learn a lot off methods, gained much of my mental toughness from it, and worked with a lot of amazing people, I knew that it was not a realistic way for me to live my life.

I was incredibly insecure and thought people only appreciated or liked me for looking a certain way, so I always tried to maintain a ridiculously small, petite body which was difficult, and very unhealthy for me. So when I realized I couldn’t keep it up, I fell off the bandwagon and binged on every food, quit working out, and gained a bunch of weight, which then made me slip into a depression. Having always dealt with mental illness, exercise seemed to be the only way to keep me out of it.
My own story of getting to a healthy is place is one that is all over the board! I started lifting weights my freshman year of high school and became obsessed with it ever since, but that being said, it wasn’t just all roses and easy for me from then on. I have been through every stage of trying to find my “healthy” version of life. It started out as doing lots and lots of cardio and eating minimal to try and look a certain way I thought I wanted to be.

I am not saying it was always easy to find time with a baby, but I told my family it was important for me to get in that 50 min -hour of exercise daily for my mental health and so we made it work. I accomplished getting back into great shape, but I was still spending more time working out, planning meals, and doing cardio then I wanted to, I knew their had to be another way, and easier way!

Fast forward to today, I now have TWO baby boys, am back in great shape and found the perfect balance of being in great shape, doing minimal cardio, not spending hours in the gym or meal prepping. I get to stay home more now to help with our kids and as well as our ranch. I don’t stress about what I eat, I don’t worry about doing everything perfectly, I know I had to go through all these years and trials so that I could take all the positives, tips and tricks I have learned and share them with all of you!
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